Anna McBride Battles for Two Hours Twenty Minutes To Win Gold in Women’s II1 Singles

The audience was in for a treat as the longest match of the 2024 Virtus World Tennis Championship, the II1 Women’s Singles, unfolded on the Annecy Tennis Court.

In a stunning display of perseverance and determination, Anna McBride secured the gold in the Women’s II1 Singles, marking a milestone in her career. The match, lasting an intense two hours and 20 minutes, saw both athletes, Anna McBride (GBR) and Eva Blanc (FRA), push their limits, delivering a performance that will be remembered as one of the highlights of the championship.

Reflecting on the intensity of the match, Anna shared,

“It was something that I had to find a way through. There were moments when things weren’t working for me, and I had to figure out how to change that. I lost the first set, and she was playing incredibly well. I’m just so happy I got through it.”

Gold Medalist in II1 Women’s Singles, Anna McBride. Photo Credit: Geoffrey Wahlen

The long, gruelling match tested Anna’s stamina and mental toughness. She credited the support of her coach James and the crowd for helping her push through the tough moments.

“The supporters, James, everyone who came out to cheer for me, they got me through that. I just had to dig deep and hope that I could chase down every point, she added.

When asked about her strategy going into the final, Anna revealed that her focus was on staying positive and fighting for every point.

“You just need to stay in the fight, stay focused, and not give up even if you’re losing. You have to give 100% in every rally and just see what happens,” she said.

Anna’s aggressive playing style was on full display during the final.

“My game plan was to play aggressively and use the whole court. She was taking the ball early, which made it challenging for me, but I tried my best to absorb the pace and stay in the point. It paid off,” Anna said, recounting the pivotal moments that helped her secure the win.

Her preparation for such a tough match included rigorous cardio training.

“I do quite a lot of running and gym work. You never know how long a match is going to last—whether it’s an hour or four hours. You just have to be mentally and physically prepared for anything,” she explained.

With her parents present in the stands, it was an emotional victory for Anna, who celebrated her gold medal win with pride.

“Having my family here made it even more special. This win is not just for me, but for everyone who has supported me along the way,” she said.

Silver medalist in II1 Women’s singles, Eva Blanc smashing at her opponent. Photo Credit: Geoffrey Wahlen

Although Eva Blanc couldn’t make it to the top of the podium, everyone witnessing the match congratulated the young seventeen-year-old French girl who put up a great fight against her opponent and owned the respect of everyone, including her opponent.

“Eva was extraordinary, she played very well,” said Anna McBride.

Hanne Lavreysen Photo Credit: Geoffrey Wahlen

The Bronze medal match was played between Hanne Lavreysen (BEL) and Kelly Wren (AUS). Hanne approached strategically to fight against Kelly, who is one of the most experienced players, to claim the bronze.

“I am very happy. The game went well. I lost against Kelly in the Australian Open so I came up with my plan for this match.

The high-level matches displayed at the Annecy 2024 Virtus World Tennis Championship are a testament to the hard work, resilience, and never-give-up attitude of these top athletes in their class.