Entries by nick

2014 Inas World Tennis Championships

In order to maximise entries, Inas has confirmed that the 2014 Tennis Championships will now take place as a World Championship. The event will take place in Mont-De-Marsin France between […]

Australian Tennis Championships underway

The Australian Open Tennis Championships began yesterday with 43 players with an intellectual disability (31 men, 12 women), including 4 entries from the USA and 2 from Japan. The event, […]

Inas bidding to include Basketball in Tokyo 2020

Inas has today officially launched its bid to include basketball for athletes with an intellectual disability in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games programme. If successful, the sport would join athletics, […]

2014 Inas World Nordic Skiing Championships

Inas has confirmed that the 2014 World Nordic Skiing Championships will take place in Otepaa, Estonia between 19th and 22nd March. Inas apologises for the late confirmation of the event, […]

2014 Inas Africa Regional Workshop

With support from the Agitos Foundation, Inas is delighted to host a workshop for Inas member organisations, national paralympic committees, sports federations, special olympic organisations and other organisations and individuals […]

2014 Australian Athletics Championships

The Australian Athletics Championships are the pinnacle of the Australian athletics season with national titles on the line. 12.12.2013 Event website 12.2.2014 Event information Status – Sanctioned

2014 Guayaquil Open Para-Swimming

The 2014 Guayaquil Open Para- Swimming is a Long Course competition (50m), officially approved by the IPC and sanctioned by Inas. This meet is open to swimmers with an Intellectual […]