Entries by nick

3rd Global Games

The entry handbook and details of on-line entry system are now available for the 2011 Global Games which take place in Italy. Please note that the first entry deadline is 28th February […]

2011 Membership Fees due

Inas Member Nation fees are now due for 2011. These should be paid no later than 31st March 2011 and please be reminded that only members in good standing may […]

3rd Inas Global Games

Further information is now available regarding the accommodation and costs for the 3rd Inas Global Games

2011 Conference and General Assembly

Preliminary information and an expression of interest form is now available for the 2011 Inas Conference and General Assembly, which takes place in Canberra, Australia in April. The deadline to […]

2011 Parapan American Games

The entry criteria, MQS and programme for the 2011 Parapan American Games is now available on the IPC Swimming website.