1st Inas European Handball Championships (new dates)

handballPortugal will host the 1st Inas European Handball Championships. As Handball is a New Development Sport the players need only to be registered with World Intellectual Impairment Sport using the Provisional Registration procedures – athletes should appear on the list no later than the final entry date.

2014 Inas World Tennis Championships

In order to maximise entries, Inas has confirmed that the 2014 Tennis Championships will now take place as a World Championship. The event will take place in Mont-De-Marsin France between 17-22nd June.

2014.03.18 Entry forms and event information

IPC Athletics/IPC Swimming Classifier Training

IPC Athletics and IPC Swimming will hold a classifier training event in partnership with Inas.

The course is open to participants who are

  • Clinical psychologists with a proven record of courses related to working with individuals with intellectual impairment;
  • Physicians with a proven record of academic qualification of neuropsychology testing; or
  • Individuals with academic qualification as physical educator, physiotherapist, physician with sport medicine qualification or human movement scientist

Moreover, participants must have strong interest in Athletics or Swimming and very good English skills, and may not hold a position with an NPC or national team that may give rise to a conflict of interest with international classification for IPC Athletics or Swimming. Experience in sport for athletes with intellectual impairment is an asset.

2014 Inas World Nordic Skiing Championships

Inas has confirmed that the 2014 World Nordic Skiing Championships will take place in Otepaa, Estonia between 19th and 22nd March.

Inas apologises for the late confirmation of the event, which was caused when no host came forward to organise the event.

2014 Inas Africa Regional Workshop

With support from the Agitos Foundation, Inas is delighted to host a workshop for Inas member organisations, national paralympic committees, sports federations, special olympic organisations and other organisations and individuals with an interest in developing sport for athletes with an intellectual disability across Africa.

The workshop will be hosted by FECASDI (Fédération Camerounaise des Sports pour Déficients intellectuals) and will include presentations from key Inas staff and representatives on topics including:

◦       Introduction to Inas and sport for athletes with an intellectual disability

◦       Competition programs and pathways

◦       Eligibility and Classification

◦       Developing Inas in Africa

For further information please contact Jean Marie Aleokol – jaleokol@yahoo.fr


2014 Inas Americas Indoor Rowing Championships

The 1st Inas Americas Indoor Rowing Championships will take place in Washington DC, USA in February.

Athletes should appear on the Inas Master List (as active) no later than the final entry deadline (28th January 2014).

2014 Australian Athletics Championships

The Australian Athletics Championships are the pinnacle of the Australian athletics season with national titles on the line.

Status – Sanctioned

3rd Inas Indoor World Rowing Championships & 1st Inas International Rowing Regatta

The 3rd Inas Indoor World Rowing Championships will take place in Gavirate, Italy and will incorporate a new annual competition – the Inas International Rowing Regatta.

The event forms part of the 2014 International Para-Rowing Regatta sanctioned by FISA.


Please note that there is no fee to enter the competition – entrants pay only for accommodation and Inas capitation fee.   The final entry date, by which all athletes must appear on the Inas Master List, is 6th May 2014.

2014 Guayaquil Open Para-Swimming

The 2014 Guayaquil Open Para- Swimming is a Long Course competition (50m), officially approved by the IPC and sanctioned by Inas.

This meet is open to swimmers with an Intellectual disability from all nations.

The event will be run in accordance with IPC Swimming Rules and Regulations 2011- 2014. The event has the technical endorsement of the Ecuadorian Federation of Swimming FENA.

The organisers hope to provide an athlete classification service and are awaiting confirmation from IPC Swimming.

Athletes must appear on the Inas Master List no later than the final entry deadline (25.4.2014).

27.11.2013 Event entry forms and information

2014 Inas World Indoor Athletics Championships

The 2014 Inas World Indoor Athletics Championships will take place in Reims, France.
The final entry deadline, by which all athletes must appear on the Master List (as ‘active’) is 5th February 2014.
Inas apologises for the delay in announcing details of this event which was caused by a series of delays in identifying a host.