Australia lead medal table in 3rd Global Games

After a week of exciting and intense competition in Liguria – Italy, Australia emerged the winning nation of the 3rd Inas Global Games with a total of 55 medals – more than half of them gold. The final medal table can be found here – full results will be available shortly or can be viewed at any time by visiting the event website.

3rd Inas Global Games open in Italy

President of Liguria Region, Claudio Burlando today officially declared the 3rd Inas Global Games open in front of many thousands of spectators packed into Ferrari square in Genoa, Italy and an incredible display of sound and colour.

The 7-day long sporting event is the largest for elite athletes with an intellectual disability and comprising almost 700 athletes competing in 8 sports.

After a parade through the town of Genoa, the President of the Italian National Paralympic Committee Claudio Burlando welcomed the 35 nations taking part in the Games to the Liguria region. Dr Bob Price, Inas President thanked the organisers and hosts for their efforts and wished success in the Games. “Let us look forward to seven days of sporting excellence. I wish all concerned… the organisers, the support staff and especially the athletes… every success and a truly memorable 2011 Inas Global Games”.

Competition begins on 27th September – further details, results and photos are available on the event website.

1st Inas Asia Regional General Assembly

The 1st Inas Asia Regional General Assembly will take place in Genova, Italy on 26 September 2011 immediately after the Opening Ceremony of 3rd Global Games.
The meeting will take place in the Grand Hotel Savoia at via Arsenale di Terra 5 16126 Genova and is open to all member nations in good standing within the Asia region.
For more information, registration form and agenda, please contact David Ip (Hong Kong).
Member nations who wish to nominate a member as an Executive Committee member should submit the nomination form completed by the President or senior official of the respective organization together with the CV of the nominee on or before 16
September 2011.

Bids invited for 2013 Inas Conference and General Assembly

Inas would like to invite bids to host the 2013 Inas Conference and General Assembly.

Bids should be made in accordance with the specification set out in the Inas Handbook.

Bids should be submitted to the Inas Secretariat by email or post no later than 31st January 2012 and will be considered by the Executive Committee at their next meeting. The winning bid will be announced no later than May 2012.

Final day for Global Games entries

Today is the final day to enter athletes for the 3rd Inas Global Games which take place in Italy later this year. Entries should be completed by midnight GMT using the online entry system.

Only athletes who appear on the Inas Master List are eligible to compete at the event – the most recent edition of the list can be found on the Inas website.

The organisers expect more than 800 athletes to participate in the event, supported by more than 400 team staff, coaches and officials. You can find out more about the Global Games by visiting the event website.

4th Open European Half Marathon, Portugal

Entry forms are now available for the 4th Inas Open European half-marathon championships which take place in Portugal between 11 & 14  November. Please note that the closing date for the first entry is 15th August 2011.

Global Games – Swim technical details

The Swimming Technical Package is now available for the 3rd Inas Global Games. The package contains final programme details and classification requirements.

Global Games Final Entry Information

Final Entry information and instructions for the online entry system for the 3rd Inas Global Games is now available.

Please remember that to particpate in the event, athletes must appear in the Inas Classification Master List no later than 30th June. The Eligibility Committee are working as quickly as possible to review the remaining applications ahead of this date.

Member nations should also ensure that they have paid membership fees for 2011 and are in good standing with Inas.

Questions regarding final entry should be addressed to the organisers.

Entry information available for Paralympic Table Tennis qualifier

Information about the 2012 Paralympic Games qualifying event for European players with an intellectual disability is now available on the Table Tennis page.

New videos added to Youtube site

The Inas Youtube site now features the speeches made by Lorraine Landon (Australian Paralympic athlete) and Steve Holland (former athlete and father of Nerice Holland – elite swimmer with an intellectual disability) to the 2011 Inas conference and general assembly.